MX Phone: 415.185.8311 or 415.185.8407

US & Canada Phone: 1 (214) 550.4898


There are several "all purpose" types of guys around town. Some work alone, and some have a crew and can fix everything from a stopped up drain to a broken table leg.

One such "one stop repair" and construction crew is run by Norberto Godinez 415.114.0304 with Miguel Godinez 415.114.9112 and Andrés Godinez 415.109.7047. Norberto has a crew of experienced guys who can fix almost anything. You can read more about Norberto's company here. They usually bring a helper or two, as is customary. These

are generally young, quiet guys who are something like apprentices and are often left behind at your house while the "expert" goes to buy a part. You can trust them. They are prime examples of patient waiters. Learn from them.

For car repair, Victor Espinosa is competent, reliable and speaks English. He can be reached at 415.185.2055 and 415.151.8235 . His shop is located off the Libremiento at the entrance to the neighborhood Las Brisas.

Another good car repair option is Bridgestone on the Salida a Celaya going toward La Comer. Their English is minimal but their prices are great.

For appliances you can call Margarito Galván at 415.154.4028 or 415.153.5274. He has repaired our washing machine numerous times over the years. He also knows air conditioning units, and probably kitchen appliances as well.

Of course, there are many other individuals and companies you might want to try. If you can't find who you're looking for, check the Civil SMA Page.